Maklumat: Journal of Da'wah and Islamic Studies <p><strong>Maklumat: Journal of Da'wah and Islamic Studies</strong> is peer-reviewed journal published by Hellow Pustaka Publisher. The journal is aimed to publish research contributing to the development of theory, practice, and policy making in Da'wah, and Islamic Studies. It therefore intends to create an interface between academic research and its practical application. The journal welcomes theoretical; technical; and applied articles that draw on all areas of Da'wah, and Islamic Studies.</p> en-US (Siti Rokhmah ) (Hamdan) Tue, 24 Dec 2024 09:16:18 +0000 OJS 60 40 on Justice: The Prophetic Voice on Social Reform. Book Review by Abdulkadir Salaudeen <p>Author : Omar Suleiman</p> <p>Book Title : 40 on Justice: The Prophetic Voice on Social Reform</p> <p>ISBN : 1847741436; 978-1847741431</p> <p>Publisher : Kube Publishing Ltd</p> <p>Place of Publication : United Kingdom</p> <p>Page Number : 338</p> <p>Price : $24.13</p> <p>Year of Publication : 2021</p> <p>Reviewer : Abdulkadir Salaudeen</p> <p> </p> Abdulkadir Salaudeen Copyright (c) 2024 Maklumat: Journal of Da'wah and Islamic Studies Fri, 03 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Educational Values in Fasting Worship <p>The educational aspects contained in fasting are health education and moral education. This research aims to dig deeper into the educational values ​​contained in fasting in Islam. This research uses the library research research method, using a descriptive-analytical approach with a literature review type. The results of this research include that fasting teaches us important values ​​in life, including courage, discipline and empathy towards others. Perseverance and patience are also an integral part of fasting</p> Moch. Salman Alfarizi, Abdul Haris Copyright (c) 2024 Maklumat: Journal of Da'wah and Islamic Studies Tue, 24 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Code of Conduct for Appropriate Punishment of Children in Islamic Education <p>This research aims to analyze the code of ethics for punishing children appropriately in Islamic education. The main focus is what are the types of punishment and what are the conditions for applying a punishment to children by parents/educators. The method used in this study is library research. Literature research aims to collect, review, and analyze relevant data and information from various credible and valid literature sources.Related to the code of ethics for punishing children appropriately in Islamic education. The results of the study show that there are 7 types of punishment for children, namely: 1) Advice, direction, and warning; 2) Turn away; 3) Sour face; 4) Prevention; 5) Stopping an act; 6) Boycott; and 7) Display sticks. In addition, there are 9 codes of ethics in the application of punishment to children, such as giving warnings, carrying out punishment directly, providing opportunities to calm down and calmness when giving punishment. Avoid using threatening language, make sure the punishment does not last long, and do the punishment without spectators that can make the child feel embarrassed or inferior. Spanking is applied only as a therapy for scratching, not as a form of punishment that is harsh or degrading to the dignity of the child</p> Pela Safni Copyright (c) 2024 Maklumat: Journal of Da'wah and Islamic Studies Tue, 24 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Islamic Views on Politics, Institutions, and Architecture in Jaya Kopah Village <p>Islam views politics, institutions, and architecture as interconnected with religion. In Islam, it emphasizes that leaders should be based on deliberation (shura) and piety (taqwa) in politics. Religious institutions function in education and social services, such as mosques. Islamic architecture prioritizes the harmony between function, aesthetics, and spirituality, reflecting simplicity, comfort, and sustainability, and manifests the greatness of Allah in its design. This research aims to examine the Islamic perspective in the fields of politics, institutions, and architecture through qualitative descriptive methods with an observational approach. Field observations indicate the application of these values in real practices within society. In the village of Jaya Kopah, leadership is based on shura (deliberation) and taqwa (piety), religious institutions like PHBI play a significant role in ensuring that Islamic holiday celebrations are carried out smoothly and meaningfully for the community, and traditional houses in Jaya Kopah reflect the principles of beauty and simplicity, though not in decorations that represent Islam.</p> Maya Febriani Chandra, Fitria Amanda, Wetri Andeswita, Ardika Ikhsan, Kiprah Piawi Copyright (c) 2024 Maklumat: Journal of Da'wah and Islamic Studies Thu, 26 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Prospects of the Role of Parents in Islamic Religious Education in the Contemporary Era <p>Education is one form of investment for society in realizing intelligent and advanced successors to the nation. Islamic education itself can be interpreted as an effort to educate individuals through teaching based on Islamic values. Today there are several contemporary issue phenomena that are quite disturbing. Some of these phenomena are related to the problem of moral degradation. Several previous studies argue that religious education should be emphasized and considered as one of the educations that can erode this phenomenon. Based on this statement, of course, internalization of the values ​​of Islamic religious education in everyday life is needed. Islamic religious education can provide encouragement for someone to be able to carry out positive practices in everyday life. Such as being honest and fair, polite, devoted, and not violating the rights of others. Islamic education can run optimally if parents as one of the facilitators of education also play a role in it. Parents are the main educators for children. Parents play an important role in providing teachings to their descendants. Based on the discussion that has been presented by the author, it can be concluded that parents have an important role in Islamic Religious Education in the Contemporary Era. The statement can be seen from the role of parents in educating, protecting, guiding and teaching their children. Parents play an important role in providing religious education since early childhood. Parents have the responsibility to guide their offspring to become perfect and upright human beings according to religious ethics. Therefore, the results of this study are that parents have prospects in Islamic religious education in the contemporary era as facilitators in education.</p> Anati Rahila Copyright (c) 2024 Maklumat: Journal of Da'wah and Islamic Studies Thu, 26 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Relationship Between Islam and Political Influence in Indonesia Hasan Al-Banna's Perspective <p>Hasan al Banna, is one of the Islamic figures. His ideas and movements together with the Muslim Brotherhood have stimulated the fighting spirit of the Islamic community so as not to be left behind. Back to life inspired by the Qur'an and Sunnah movement. Although this Islamic renewal figure has died, his thoughts are still in the life of the Islamic community. Therefore, in political thought, Hasan al-Banna connects faith with political activity. Of course a Muslim is not perfect Islam unless he becomes a politician, who has a forward-looking view and pays full attention to issues and race. According to him, Islam must lead to attention to the problems of the nation. Islam is a comprehensive system, covering all aspects of life. However, Islam and Indonesian Politics from time to time continue to develop and improve, of course not apart from the development of Religion and politics in Indonesia in general. Keywords: Hasan Al-banna, Islam and Politics, Indonesia.</p> Amir Reza Kusuma, Elia Monika Copyright (c) 2024 Maklumat: Journal of Da'wah and Islamic Studies Fri, 27 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Implementation of the Shiddiqiyah Order in the Community in Sumber Sirih Village, Waru District <p>This article discusses the implementation of the Shiddiqiyah order in the Sumber Sirih village community, Waru sub-district, where in this research used description-based qualitative research methods, researchers went directly to the field to look for data and interviews with the Sumber Sirih village community, in the implementation of this order the Kiai used three events. which aims to get closer to God, the three ways are increasing feelings of gratitude, getting closer to God by holding routine activities once a week on Sunday. Friday and the last thing is to build brotherhood among Muslims. This aims to get closer to Allah SWT.</p> Hanifatus Sholehah, S. Fathiyatul Jannah, Faridatul Jannah Copyright (c) 2024 Maklumat: Journal of Da'wah and Islamic Studies Fri, 27 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Impact of Bhakti and Sufi Mysticism on Social Harmony: Understanding Mystical Experiences and Practices <p>This research article offers a comparative analysis of the Bhakti Movement in Hinduism and Sufi Mysticism in Islam, two profound spiritual movements that emerged in India and the Islamic world, respectively. Through an exploration of their historical backgrounds, philosophical foundations, practices, and impacts on society, this study aims to shed light on the similarities and differences between these influential religious movements. The research delves into the ways in which both the Bhakti Movement and Sufi Mysticism have fostered devotion, inclusivity, and a profound connection to the divine, while also recognizing their unique cultural contexts and expressions. The analysis seeks to provide a deeper understanding of the transformative power of religious devotion in diverse cultural and religious landscapes. The article also discusses the potential interconnections between Bhakti and Sufi thought, unveiling the possibility of cross-cultural influences that may have shaped the spiritual fabric of both traditions. The investigation will delve into the historical contexts that gave rise to the Bhakti Movement and Sufi Mysticism, their roles in promoting religious pluralism and interfaith dialogue, and the ways in which they have influenced the spiritual lives of their adherents.</p> Salman Faris TC Copyright (c) 2024 Maklumat: Journal of Da'wah and Islamic Studies Mon, 30 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Phenomenon of Homosexuality Between Divine Religions and International Organizations <p>This text examines the global spread of homosexuality, including in Arab and Islamic societies, aiming to clarify its concept, causes, and history, while focusing on religious and social perspectives. The research warns against the dangers this phenomenon poses to religious and moral values and calls for deterrent actions. It follows a descriptive, analytical, historical, and critical approach to study and analyze the issue. The findings suggest that all divine religions condemn homosexuality, although some religious groups have deviated and accepted it. The research highlights organized efforts to undermine human values by promoting immoral behaviors and using euphemisms like "homosexuality" instead of "sodomy." It also warns of the pressure applied on nations to accept homosexuality under the guise of tolerance and the support given to homosexuals to encourage their behavior.</p> Belqis Al-Murakeb Copyright (c) 2024 Maklumat: Journal of Da'wah and Islamic Studies Thu, 02 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 The Modernist’s Critisism of The Sunnah Through Fabrication – A Critical Study <p>This study addresses an important issue concerning the doubts raised by modernist Arab writers regarding the authenticity of the Prophetic Sunnah, particularly their claim that fabricated Hadiths have been mixed with authentic ones. These claims, presented as original ideas by their proponents, are in fact largely based on Orientalist studies. The significance of this study lies in defending the integrity of the Sunnah and demonstrating the methodology developed by Hadith scholars to preserve it. The research aims to explore these claims, trace their origins, and provide a well-grounded response to these assertions. The main challenge is to expose these misconceptions and clarify that the Sunnah has been carefully safeguarded. The study follows a historical, analytical, and critical approach, examining the claims of fabrication, the foundations upon which they are based, their origins, and offering a critique. The key findings reveal that these modern critiques are not based on strong evidence, but rather stem from Orientalist sources, which are generally characterized by a lack of intellectual honesty. Furthermore, the research shows that Hadith scholars meticulously identified and classified fabricated Hadiths, ensuring the integrity of the Sunnah.</p> Mekki Klaina, Hanane Yachaoui Copyright (c) 2024 Maklumat: Journal of Da'wah and Islamic Studies Thu, 02 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000